I started building rods because, twenty years ago, what I wanted was not made by any commercial manufacturer. I wanted a rod that was strong enough for casting buggers and streamers, and at the same time, soft and light enough to use very light tippet in nymphing and dry fly. The target was trout and landlocked salmon in the North East USA.
The concept is that I can take a 10'0" single hand rated blank, add a 4" extension to the bottom and create a rod that would change between nymphing, dry fly and swinging by changing only the tippet.
I called it a Swi-Mph.
Now I had a fishing tool that could be a day on the river and ready for most any situation. Back then the lines needed to be created. Cutting and splicing heads to running lines and experimenting with trimming Spey lines has me now using the items that companies like RIO, OPST and others are manufacturing as standard lines.
Now, had I called this rod a Trout Spey or an American Nymphing Rod I might have made the lexicon of today's angling focus.
Just a few years back I started to build and sell my rods. I have learned that the diversity in style of angling is so substantial. And I am very grateful to be building so many of them.
Here are a few recent builds. Please visit TheFlySpokeShop.com
Glass In Single & Two Hand Style

Float - Micro Float
Fly Rods